
Historicizing Video Game Series through Fan Art Discussions

"New Worlds" by velladonna
The new issue of fan studies academic journal Transformative Works and Cultures (Vol 22) is out now. Among other articles, it also includes my article (co-authored with Tereza Krobová) about everyday history and historical discourses in fan art discussions of Mass Effect Trilogy and Tomb Raider series. The whole article entitled Historicizing video game series through fan art discourses is available to read online for free thanks to the public access policy of the journal. It features analyses of fan discussions on DeviantArt of all-time favorite pieces of fan art inspired by Mass Effect and Tomb Raider and also selected discussions of fan art pieces created short after the unveiling of the newest installments in both franchises at E3 - Andromeda (upcoming) and Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015). I would like to thank the editors and reviewers for their helpful comments and to fan artists velladona and James--C for the permission to use their artworks in the article.